
The difference between Chinese painting and Western painting

Written by Fengzikai

The Chinese and western culture have different origin. So they have different expression in art. The Chinese art put the subjective on the first, but western culture is on the opposite. The Chinese art like a poem and western art like a theatre. So they are different about the skill in drawing. Chinese art focuses on feeling, but western art focuses on shape. There are 5 places of different as follows.

(1)  There are many lines in Chinese art works, but it is not obvious in western painting.
The lines do not exist in the real world. They are the expression of the artists. For example, in Chinese painting, the artists often express the people’s face with a art. But there is no this line in people’s face. This line is the boundary of the face and the background. Another example, artists draw a curve to express the nose of people. There is no this line in the nose either. This line is the boundary of the nose and face. In other cases, such as landscape and flower painting, there is no line in the real objects. But the artists like to use the line to express in the drawing. The skill of using the lines in landscape painting is called “Cun” skill (one of the Chinese painting skills, the way to express the texture of the stone or park of the tree). The using in figure painting is called “Yizhe”. They are all very hard work. But in western painting, it is different. Everything has its boundary. There is no line in boundary. So the western painting is more like the real object. But Chinese painting does not like real object, so you can know it is a painting for one glance. Maybe it is because Chinese painting has the same origin with calligraphy. When the artists draw, they express themselves in free style just like writing. In the end of 19 century, the westerners enjoyed the dancing line in Chinese painting and began to imitate. Then post-impressionism appeared. And the lines in the western painting are not clear before post-impressionism.
(2)  Chinese painting doesn’t pay attention to the perspective.
 Perspective is a kind of skill to express the solid object in flat surface. Western painters want the object in the painting looked like the real one. So they pay a great attention the use of perspective. The street, house, furniture and utensil in the painting are like the real ones. If the drawing is about the corridor, it can express the distance of several feet within a few inches in the drawing. If it is about the frontal railroad, it can express several miles in a few inches. Chinese painting is totally different with this. Chinese painters don’t like to draw the street, house, furniture or utensil. They like to draw cloud, mountain, tree and waterfall. Occasionally, they also draw house and utensil. But they don’t pay attention to the perspective and they just draw them random. For example, when they draw the scene of the courtyard, they express them in free style. They seemed like seen from the air, and not seen from the same time. They are all here and there, like seen in several times. For this reason, the Chinese landscape painting may last for several feet, just like the scene watched from the train. The vertical Chinese painting has the landscape layer and layer, just like seen from the plane. Because when the Chinese draw the painting, they feel like write a poem. The pen slides with the thought of the writer in freedom style. They are not limited by the perspective. So there are mistakes of perspective sometimes. But these mistakes are not serious. We cannot criticize the Chinese painting with the rule of western painting.
(3)  Chinese painting has no relation with anatomy, but western painting pay attention to anatomy.
 Anatomy is the study about the human’s muscle and skeleton. Before they draw the figure, they always study the anatomy. The anatomy is named anatomy for the art students too. It is different from the physiological anatomy, which studies the structure and the use of the parts of human. The art anatomy is focus on the shape and the expression. But the painter should remember the names and the all kinds of shape of the skeleton and the muscles. It is a hard work. And the western painters must master it, for they have to draw the body of the human like the real one in the western painting, which pay attention to paint realistically. But the Chinese artists never need this learning. The figure in the Chinese painting only aimed to express the posture of human. It is not limited by the rule of the proportion body. So in the Chinese painting, the men have weird face and body not obeying the proportion. And the women have delicate eyebrow, little lips, thin shoulder and slender waist. If we take off the dresses of the figure, they will be terrified. But it is not important to the Chinese painting. It is the advantage of the Chinese painting. In Chinese painting the artists want the effect of the impaction. So they exaggerate the character of the figure, increasing the strongness of men and the slimness and beauty of women, to express the character sufficiently. They use the way of symbolic instead of realistic. They want the similarity of the sprit instead of the appearance.
(4)  The background is not taken seriously in Chinese painting, but it is on the contrast in the western painting.
For example, the plum blossom can be drawn lonely in the white paper just hanging in the air. The figure can be drawn hanging in the air like flout on the cloud. So it is very common in Chinese painting that there is large spare room in the painting. A long piece of paper, only drawn with a vegetable or a stone, is a vertical painting. The western painting is different. Everything has background. For example, the background of fruit is a table. The background of figure is indoor or outdoor. So the painting is full of color, without spare room in it. This different between Chinese painting and western painting is just from the different express way. Chinese painting is focus on the expression of the sprit, aiming to highlight the object and make it impressive, so it always ignores the trivial details, but the western painting is focus on the realistic so it must describe the background of the object.
(5)  The topic of the Chinese painting is mainly about the nature, but the western painting’s topic is mainly about figure.
Before Han Dynasty, the topic of Chinese painting is also mainly about figure. But in Tang Dynasty, landscape painting is independence from others. Till now, the landscape painting is always usually formal form of Chinese painting. But in western painting, figure is always the formal form the Greece period. The religious paintings drawn in Middle Ages always took the common people as the material, Such as The Last Judgment, Death’s Victory and so on. There are many people in one painting. Until 19 BC, the individual landscape painting just appeared. After the appearance of the landscape painting, the figure painting is still popular. The nude is the main theme in the western painting until now.

The five points we discussed above are the differences between Chinese painting and western painting. From the discussion we can conclude that the Chinese painting has more interesting than the western painting. So in the study of artist, western painting is not profound as Chinese painting. But on the other hand, Chinese painting is not popular as western painting in the public. The western painting is easy for public to enjoy.

  (一)中国画盛用线条,西洋画线条都不显著。线条大都不是物象所原有的,是画家用以代表两物象 的境界的。例如中国画中,描一条蛋形线表示人的脸孔,其实人脸孔的周围并无此线,此线是脸与背景的界线。又如画一曲尺形线表示人的鼻头,其实鼻头上也并无 此线,此线是鼻与脸的界线。又如山水、花卉等,实物上都没有线,而画家盛用线条。山水中的线条特名为皴法(<cūn>法:中国画技法之 一,用以表现山石和树皮的纹理)” 人物中的线条特名为衣褶。都是艰深的研究工夫。西洋画就不然,只有各物的界,界上并不描线。所以西洋画很像实物,而中国画不像实物,一望而知其为画。 盖中国书画同源,作画同写字一样,随意挥洒,披露胸怀。19世纪末,西洋人看见中国画中线条的飞舞,非常赞慕,便模仿起来,即成为后期印象派(详见本 <本书:指作者《艺术修养基础》一书,1941年桂林版>中《西洋画简史》篇)。但后期印象派以前的西洋画,都是线条不显著的。
  (二)中国画不注重透视法,西洋画极注重透视法。透视法,就是在平面上表现立体物。西洋画力求肖似真物,故非常讲究透视法。试看西洋画中的市街、房屋、家具 器物等,形体都很正确,竟同真物一样。若是描走廊的光景,竟可在数寸的地方表出数丈的距离来。若是描正面的(站在铁路中央眺望的)铁路,竟可在数寸的地方 表出数里的距离来。中国画就不然,不欢喜画市街、房屋、家具、器物等立体相很显著的东西,而欢喜写云、山、树、瀑布等远望如天然平面物的东西。偶然描房屋 器物,亦不讲究透视法,而任意表现。例如画庭院深深的光景,则曲廊洞房,尽行表示,好似飞到半空中时所望见的;且又不是一时间所见,却是飞来飞去,飞上飞 下,几次所看见的。故中国画的手卷,山水连绵数丈,好像是火车中所见的。中国画的立幅,山水重重叠叠,好像是飞机中所看见的。因为中国人作画同作诗一样, 想到哪里,画到哪里,不能受透视法的拘束。所以中国画中有时透视法会弄错。但这弄错并无大碍。我们不可用西洋画的法则来批评中国画。
  (三)中国画不讲解剖学,西洋人物画很重解剖学。解剖学,就是人体骨骼筋肉的表现形状的研究。西洋人作人物画,必先研究解剖学。这解剖学英名曰:anatomy for art students,艺术解剖学。 其所以异于生理解剖学者,生理解剖学讲人体各部的构造与作用,艺术解剖学则专讲表现形状。但也须记诵骨骼筋肉的名称,及其形状的种种变态,是一种艰苦的学 问。但西洋画家必须学习。因为西洋画注重写实,必须描得同真的人体一样。但中国人物画家从来不需要这种学问。中国人画人物,目的只在表出人物的姿态的特 点,却不讲人物各部的尺寸与比例。故中国画中的男子,相貌奇古,身首不称。女子则蛾眉樱唇,削肩细腰。倘把这些人物的衣服脱掉,其形可怕。但这非但无妨, 却是中国画的好处。中国画欲求印象的强烈,故扩张人物的特点,使男子增雄伟,女子增纤丽,而充分表现其性格。故不用写实法而用象征法。不求形似,而求神 似。
  (四)中国画不重背景,西洋画很重背景。中国画不重背景,例如写梅花, 一支悬挂空中,四周都是白纸。写人物,一个人悬挂空中,好像驾云一般。故中国画的画纸,留出空白余地甚多。很长的一条纸,下方描一株菜或一块石头,就成为 一张立幅。西洋画就不然,凡物必有背景,例如果物,其背景为桌子。人物,其背景为室内或野外。故画面全部填涂,不留空白。中国画与西洋画这点差别,也是由 于写实与传神的不同而生。西洋画重写实,故必描背景。中国画重传神,故必删除琐碎而特写其主题,以求印象的强明。


    The time is September 3 in 758 BC. I am Yan Jiming’s 13th uncle. I am the third class of officer in government worked as an adviser. I am Jiashichijie officer and the provincial governor of Puzhou too. I was given the title of Shangqingshuai commoner and marquis in Danyan province.

Now I hold a memorial ceremony for Yan Jiming, my nephew who is Zanshan official, with normal wine and food.

You were different when you born. Your good moral character is unusual among young men. You like the important sword in our family. You also like the vanilla and laurel planted in our courtyard. We are gratified with you. We hope you happiness and become a good officer in government. But we never thought the rebellion of Anlushan.
At that time, your father was the prefecture chief of Changshan. I was the prefecture chief in Pingyuan. You father sent you to pass on messages to me for he was care about me. When you returned Changshan, the Tumen was recovered. It was a big success to the enemy. It punctured the enemy’s arrogance.The bad officer didn’t help when you are in trouble. The lonely city was attacked. Your father and you died. Like the nest falls down the high tree, the eggs would be broken definitely.
Who should be responsible for the horrible disaster? Who is the black sheep in the country? You are injured and killed. We can’t save you back even with killing hundreds of enemies. What a pity.

I was appointed by the empire to be the officer in Puzhou. Recently your cousin Quanming went to Changshan again, and took back your coffin with your chopped-off head.
The sad made me almost died. My heart was broken. Please wait in here. I will choose a good cemetery for you and bury you there in one day. If you know in heaven, please be patient.
Please enjoy the gift for you.

注释:古人不仅以干支纪年,也以干支纪月和纪日。纪月法从丙寅开始,60个月(五年)为一周期。纪日亦以甲子为第一日,60日为一周期。:月亮运 行到地球与太阳之间,地面看不到月亮时称朔,一般以农历初一为朔,十五称望。又朔又有初、始等义。这里可解为初三日。

注释:颜真卿兄弟姐妹共十人,真卿排行第七。但其同祖兄弟有十五人,他排行第十三。银青:指银质印章和青色绶带。秦汉时期凡吏秩比在二千石以上者, 皆可佩银印青绶。光禄大夫:原为郎中令的属官。汉武帝以后无固定职守,为散宫,相当于顾问。唐宋时期光禄大夫加银章青绶者为从三品文阶官。原帖光禄 大夫字漏写,为笔误。

注释:使持节:为刺史的加衔。加此衔后有诛杀中级以下官吏之权。使持节为持节中的最高一级,次为持节,再次为假节刺史:隋唐时期 刺史为一州之行政长官。刺史本兼军民两政。然汉代以后管军之职权实际已废,故唐代管军事要另加街,颜真卿任薄州刺史后,加州防御使之衔,以示兼管诸军事。 故其州刺史的全称就是使持节、蒲州诸军事、蒲州刺之。其他州刺史情况也大致如此。

注释:轻车都尉本为汉代特别兵种将领的称号。唐宋时为勋官。自上柱国至武骑尉共设十二转,第八转为上轻车都尉。七转为轻车都尉。轻车都尉下还有 骑都尉等。开国侯为爵名。唐代将爵位分作九等,开国县侯为第六等。候前多冠以县名,但食邑不一定由该县供给。颜真卿的丹阳县开国候的名衔也为他出 任蒲州时所赐。









注释:河关:河流和关隘。此指蒲州,时颜真卿调任蒲州刺史。他在《蒲州刺史谢上表》中说:此州之地,尧舜所都。表里山河,古称天险可见该地自古 就是重要关口。;亲近。:原指梧桐树,多用于制作棺材,此处指棺木。首榇:指盛装季明首级的棺木:此。原文字误书,应为字。






Tang Dynasty
Running Hand
Hemp paper
28.3 cm long 75.5 cm wide
23 lines 234 words
Collected in Tai Wan Palace Museum
Jizhiwengao is also called Jizhijimingwengao. Zhuguantian said “it is the best calligraphy work after the Lantingxu in history, so it is called the second running calligraphy in the world.” This sentence is recorded in the book named The History Of Chinese Calligraphy-the part of Sui and Tang dynasties.
The Jizhiwengao, written by Yanzhenqin when he was 50 years old in 758 BC, together with Lantingxu written by Wangxizhi in Jin dynasty and Huangzhouhanshitie written by Sushi in Song Dynasty are called the most best three running calligraphies in the world. And it is also one of the best ten models of calligraphies. These 3 models are famous, because they are all good at the content and the shape of the words. And they are all drafts. They are written by the calligraphers with profound feeling. Cao Baolin said ”it is just because they didn’t write the work in art purpose. They wrote the work with heart. And then the work reach a perfect effect to astonish the reader. There is no different opinion about these three works are the best three in the world.”

There are two versions of Jizhiwengao in the world. One is sculptured on the wall in TINGYUNGUAN. There are three piece of postscript written by CHENYIZENG, CHENSHEN, WENZHENGMING. It is the same with the record in the book SHIGUTANGSHUHUAHUIKAO written by BIANYONGYI in Qing Dynasty. The second version is written on paper with ink. AINGHESHUHUAFANG, the book written by ZHANGCHOU in Ming Dynasty, says the version with the postscript of XIANYUSHU and ZHANGYAN is the real one.
GUSHUHUA, the book written by XUBANGDA, says” the version in TINGYUNGAN written by MINGWEN is a fake one which is not same with this version.

In the stage of the rebellion of Anlushan in Tang Dynasty, YANGAOQING, Yanzhenqing’s elder male cousin, was the prefecture of the CHangshan. The enemy attacked the city. At the same time, the commander in TAIYUAN who had a lot of solders, but he didn’t help. At last the city wall was attacked and Yangaoqing together with his son all died. So the article says “the bad commander did not help the lonely city. At last the father and son died. The city was attacked. Everything was ruined in the city.” Later Yanzhenqing send his oldest son to cope with the aftermath, but he only found one foot of YANGAOQING and the skull of JIMING. So Yanzhenqing was angry and wrote the article. At that time Mr. Yan was 50 years old.
There is an old saying in china that the handwriting can express the character of the writer. Mr YAN’s family members are all brave and loyal. They were dignified and redoubtable. And it was expressed in the calligraphy. The reviewers always give the example with JIZHIWENGAO when they talk about that. This art work was finished without stopping. The writer just used a brush pen with some hairs were lost. The line and dot in the art work are plump like seal character. The gradation of the art work is different because the write dipped the brush pen into the ink repeated, but it does not destroy the beauty as a whole.
As JIZHIWENGAO is a draft, it is unavoidable to delete and erase some words in writing progress. This just express MR Yan’s mood swings at that moment. He did not conceal his emotion in this art work. It is the best one among MR Yan’s works.

1 THE CHANGE OF THE rhythm in the art
There are three famous running calligraphies of YANZHENQING. They are JIZHIWENGAO, ZHENGZUOWEITIE and GAOBOFUGAO. They are all drafts. GAOBOFUGAO was sculpture. It is not very good in calligraphy and the skill of carve. JIZHIWENGAO and ZHENGZUOWEITIE are really perfect, amazing art works.
The calligraphy in draft is often frank and expresses the mood of the writer. the writer drive the brush pen quickly when he wrote the JIZHIWENGAO. It is because the writer was in angry and sad emotion. There are 2 amazing things in the work. The first is that some places in the paper is dense with lines and dots, the second is the places that the words are covered with brush pen. The work has a rhythm with the change of gradation, concentration and black-white by these two kinds of scene. The writer is not serious in detail when he was writing in this art which is the character of the draft. The structure of the art work is kind of relaxed. All the things above form the character of YantiGAOSHU. ZHENGZUOWEITIE has the same character too. But it is a sculpture art, the character of it is not vivid as the JIZHIWENGAO. On the other hand, the erasion and the addition make the work more free style feel. This is come from the draft character. If you do this on purpose, such as erasing something with the ancient poem, it will be vulgar.
In the work of letter or draft like JIZHIWENGAO, the writer abandoned the skill of serious first stroke, serious risen stroke and turn stroke used in regular script. But he kept the hard and heavy line in the art work. The structure of the work is loose and comfortable different with the regular script, which is strict and dignified. This express the beauty of Mr. Yan’s ability in Chinese calligraphy.
Mr. Yan’s normal calligraphy is serious, but his running calligraphy is freedom. It is not be limited by the normal rule in ink. It has sprit and feeling. The materials for the study of Mr. Yan’s calligraphy are his crafts and letters. And these were not written in the serious way. So these works can express the real mood of the writer.

  【收藏】台湾台北故宫博物院[2] 《祭侄文稿》,亦称《祭侄季明文稿》。朱关田《中国书法史·隋唐五代卷》谓:《祭侄文稿》书之奇绝,论者以为《兰亭序》之后惟此为高,故有天下第二行书之誉[3]
  颜真卿公元758年(约50岁时)所书的《祭侄文稿》与晋代王羲之的行书《兰亭序》(书于公元353年作者约50岁时)、宋代苏轼的行书《黄州寒食帖》(书于公元1082年作者约45岁时)并称为天下三大行书法帖。亦系中华十大传世名帖之一。 上述三大行书法帖,因其辞、书皆佳,且均为文稿稿草,情切意真。曹宝麟谓:他们正是在无心于书的创作状态下任情恣性地挥洒,才不期而然地达到了最佳的感人效果,天下三大行书,这一推崇世无间言[4]
  草稿因其性质,书法尤为率意,但率意显真情,无刻意之迹。《祭侄文稿》运笔迅疾,情绪激动,与其悲愤之情有关。其书法最妙处,一在其字的点画密聚,草成一个块面之处;二在其枯笔 擦写数字之处。这两种现象交相映衬,造成虚实、轻重、黑白之间的节奏变化,再加上草稿特有的率意所造成的用笔不拘小节,和结体的偏于松散,形成了颜体 稿书风格。《争座位稿》也有这样的特点,只不过因是刻本,这些特征不似《祭侄文稿》那么真切而已。此外,草稿的涂改、添加之处更增添了率意感,这本是因草 稿而自然形成的,如果有着意仿者,将古人的诗文拿来再行涂改一番以追求率意之趣,不免东施效颦,流于浅薄庸俗。[15]
   颜真卿的行书信札、草稿,如《祭侄文稿》等。因其用途和行书书体的形式特点,使其点画用笔中舍弃了对起笔、收笔和转折、勾趯等处的刻意求工,但却保留了 沉实挺劲而浑厚的线质,结体则变严谨端庄而为宽松多态,章法又随势产生紧松、疏密的变化,这正体显出颜真卿书法的艺术创造力和高层次的书美意趣。